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We are so happy to have you stop by. Here at our farmstead our mission is to be as independent as possible by raising our own meat, milk, produce, eggs and now fiber! We strive to constantly learn new skills and to hone old skills. We love to share our knowledge and passion with others so we hope you’ll take the time to look around, get to know us, and come visit the farm when you are ready to learn a new skill hands on!

Hi, we are Jayce & Sari.

We’re the ones keeping the farmstead humming along with our twin daughters, Reata and Raegan, and son, Ty.

Jayce likes to stay busy in the shop – blacksmithing when he can but overall “fixer of the farm” the majority of the time.

Sari is the milker. Cows and goats and new to us this year – sheep!

Reata and Raegan’s chores consist of milking assistance, collecting eggs, feeding dogs, cats & chickens and pulling weeds in the garden when they can’t quite seem to get along.

Ty, being one, he is obviously the boss!

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